American Education, Politics, and Culture

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About Me…

I do not claim to be a political pundit (yet), but I do have opinions and am constantly learning and changing or confirming those opinions.

I believe in the power of free markets, left to thrive unless restrained by monopolies. I value the right to speak freely, to own and protect what is mine, and to stand firm in the freedoms that sustain a just and open society.

Without some sort of governance, mankind will often implode into constant battle, thievery, and otherwise dystopic realities. Hence, the reason for government.

Through exploring these ideas and challenging assumptions, I aim to understand better the principles that shape our society.

In recent decades, there has been a sharp decline in the ability of the average student.

After research, it is clear that the system that has “educated” so many Americans is not designed to make a greater society, but a more compliant one.

American education needs a major rehaul not only in practice but also in curriculum.

My main goals are to first raise awareness of this issue, which threatens to destroy the fabric of our nation. Then, with the army I’ve amassed, destroy and rebuild the educational matrix that has guided this country for decades into a system that creates free thinkers and good humans, not robots.

Follow me on my journey of political discovery and perhaps learn something for yourself.