A Modern Renaissance Man

A Renaissance man was someone knowledgeable, educated, or proficient in a wide range of fields. Think for a second: can you name any modern-day Renaissance men? Why has society gone away from this? Nowadays, people are so singularly focused on one skill or one craft that, in reality, what would benefit them the most is mastering multiple disciplines. Some of the most remarkable men and women in history would be considered a Renaissance man/woman because they could see the world from different perspectives. It is essential to view the world from different perspectives to understand others. A Renaissance man or woman can advise those in need because they are wise, given their profound knowledge, and they connect all of their life experiences. A Renaissance man is a leader in their community, a good parent, and a role model for all those around them.

But who popularized the term “Renaissance man”? The term is most closely associated with Leonardo da Vinci because of his accomplishments across multiple fields. While da Vinci is most well-known as an artist, his work as a scientist and inventor cemented him as one of history’s first “masters of all.” Born out of wedlock in Vinci, Italy, Leonardo’s illegitimate birth kept him from receiving a good education and excluded him from the most lucrative occupations. However, such limitations never stopped his determination for knowledge and success. At the age of 15, da Vinci became the apprentice of the painter Andrea del Verrochio in Florence, where his skills as an artist developed. Years later, while looking for a different work style, da Vinci moved from Florence to Milan, a much more political and militaristic city. There, he sold himself to a successful military leader, and for the next 17 years in Milan, he worked, painted, invented, sculpted, and studied science.

So, how does one become a Renaissance man or woman? First, you have to have the desire to better yourself constantly. The emphasis on being a “lifelong learner” made the Renaissance men and women incredibly intelligent and successful. While it is unrealistic for everyone to enroll in a master’s or doctorate program, everyone can still educate themselves. By reading books, listening to podcasts, and watching lectures on YouTube, everyone can continue to expand their mind a great deal by just planning time throughout the week to consume knowledge.

Furthermore, it is essential to create. Just as it is important to consume, creating is also necessary. Whether you write short stories, paint beautiful scenery, edit videos, or write and produce music, you must use your brain to create something new. There is an important distinction: creating something that is not so closely related to your career is necessary. For example, if you are a worship leader at a church and spend 40+ hours a week reading, writing, and playing music, your free time would be better spent writing articles or finding a hobby unrelated to music.

Along with creating and consuming, it is vital to have a physical hobby. Although overall fitness does not apply here, regular cardiovascular and resistance training is necessary for any human being. A physical hobby would be skateboarding, Olympic weightlifting, mixed martial arts, marathon running, basketball, etc. It is most important to try and excel in these, practice, practice, and more practice, then put those skills to the test. Join a recreational basketball league, spar in an MMA gym, or enter a body-building show.

It takes years and years to be regarded as a true Renaissance man, so it is important not to become discouraged by the struggle to become great. As the adage says, “Rome wasn’t built in a day,” and neither was a great man or woman. It is important to fall in love with the process of getting better daily. Integrate your new hobbies into your lifestyle as best you can, and understand that it takes time. Becoming multifaceted will take years and years of hard work, but it will be worth it in the end because you can contribute more to the world, your community, and your family.


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