My opinions and ideas on a given subject or idea.
Education For…All?
Back in the day, there were often only one or two schools in a given town, so there was only a small chance of being admitted.
Too Successful
Often, teachers mitigate their own workload by assigning “completion” work—work that gets an automatic one-hundred just for completing it. They do not base the grade on the quality of the work but rather on whether they did it.
Creating A Community In Your School
The feeling of a community also boosts students' motivation. How, you might ask? Students who know those around them care are likelier to want to do well.
School (At Home)
Homeschooling offers a range of flexible options. The most common approach is for parents to take on the role of educators, using either a purchased curriculum or their own knowledge.
Is Social Media Making Us More Narcissistic
“Everyone wants to see what I’m doing, so I must post about it.”
Less is Best
Material goods can be exciting whenever you get them, but after a while, they bring no real value beyond what you pay them.
The Lone Wolf Fallacy
That is the real issue with a lone wolf; they believe they must live life alone, which is not necessary and also not the way to achieve the most out of life.
Homework or Work at Home
Another added benefit to giving students homework is that, ideally, parents would get involved in their child’s education.
Are We Too Reliant on Tech
Technology has now become a convenience and necessity and not a gift or blessing.
A Modern Renaissance Man
A Renaissance man or woman can advise those in need because they are wise, given their profound knowledge, and they connect all of their life experiences. A Renaissance man is a leader in their community, a good parent, and a role model for all those around them.
The Role of Mentorship
Ask them questions and listen carefully to their answers. Hopefully, along the way, you will not only become wiser and better equipped to do your job well but also gain a friend.