January 27th, 2025

Dear Readers,

Hard work or skill?

Merit or association?

Education or experience?

A not so age-old question. Which has come under significant scrutiny over the past twenty to thirty years.

Since affirmative action became a staple after the civil rights movement in the early sixties, the idea of hard work paying off has somewhat subsided.

With DEI now being “signed out” of office, the idea is that individuals will now be graded, rated, accepted, hired, preferred, appointed, or otherwise chosen solely based on their experience and skill and not any other factor. This makes education even more prevalent in society.

Whereas before, you could argue that education didn’t matter as much because regardless of your skills or background if you didn’t fit into a specific box or look or act a certain way, your chances of success were diminished.

Opportunities were often reserved for those who conformed to narrow societal standards or met particular race criteria, leaving many talented individuals overlooked.

Success was less about what you knew and more about who you appeared to be in the eyes of arbiters.

But now, education and experience are even more crucial for the prolonged success of any organization. It is even more important that all educational institutions, whether public schools or four-year universities, provide quality instruction led by morally upright teachers and professors who use curricula relevant to all students.

Enough with a nonsensical curriculum that teaches untrue and obviously divisive things (we all know what I’m talking about).

Enough with letting students dictate what they’re taught.

Enough with letting parents tell teachers how to teach and not holding their children accountable at home.

Now is the time for schools to actually make a difference in the lives of their students.

Education has always been the foundation of progress, but it must now rise to meet new challenges. Schools must prioritize truth, accountability, and meaningful instruction, shaping students into knowledgeable and responsible citizens.

It’s time to restore education’s true purpose: to prepare individuals not only for careers but for thoughtful, impactful lives.

Thank you for opening this email and reading it. If you know someone who agrees with the sentiments posed, please share this with them. If you know someone who disagrees with the sentiments posed, please share this with them so we can change their mind.

Farewell for now.


January 31st, 2025


January 24th, 2025