February 4th, 2025

Dear Readers,

In a recent interview with Piers Morgan, Tucker Carlson, a prominent figure in the American conservative movement, expressed skepticism about the party’s historical support for war.

He argued that, instead, America should prioritize national interest over exerting military and political influence in foreign nations. Most “classical” conservatives might be put into an ethical dilemma with this view.

Of course, you want to help your allies, advocate for what is right, and protect your assets, but at what point does it become an overreach?

Is it America’s job to stand up to all the bullies?

The prevailing thought is that if you don’t stop them now, then we’re next. If America won’t stand up to the big bad wolf, then the big bad wolf will come for America.

To what extent is this really true?

Probably more than anti-war advocates are willing to admit.

America is a modern empire. Comparable to that of ancient Rome, Greece, Byzantine, Egypt, Mongolia, and the British, the U.S. is quite possibly the most powerful empire ever to have existed.

So it’s very plausible that another country seeking to gain that power and control would gain everything from seeing America crumble, especially at their hand. If America is always standing on the sideline, never getting involved in the game, then, of course, they won’t be viewed as a threat and are more susceptible to attacks.

Therefore, it is crucial for America to show that we can not be pushed around by just anybody.

Peace through strength.

Yet, the opposing view is still valid. The American government can become overly obsessed with foreign issues and forget about the main point.


The fifty states that encompass the greatest nation ever conceived.

There are many domestic issues that take priority over many of the wars that America is currently supporting or otherwise involved in.

One of the first things that comes to mind is the appalling state of the American education system.

If most students across the nation aren’t on grade level in reading or math, then there won’t be anything for America’s military to defend.

Our country will collapse from within because its citizens will be unable to article new ideas or even uphold previous ones. An educated society is one worth defending, but a dull one has no hope for survival despite the strength of its troops.

In the end, the debate over America’s role in global conflicts is not a simple one. A nation that neglects its foundation—its people, education, economy—will inevitably weaken. True strength is measured not only by military might but also by the nation's resilience, intelligence, and prosperity.


February 7th, 2025


January 31st, 2025