March 4th, 2025
Dear Readers,
What is the true cost of a quality education?
Well, what do you mean by education? Do you want to know how to read and write? Ok, well, what do you want to know how to read, and what sort of writer do you aspire to be?
Oh, math? You want to learn mathematics? What kind?
Algebra? Geometry? Calculus? Trigonometry?
Not that either?
So then, what is education if not the subjects that we learn?
Education is the acquiring of knowledge and subsequent experience in any given field or study.
That’s what makes the concept of a school contradictory to its end goal.
Often the goal, or mission statement, of any given school is to “educate the whole person,” which is all well and good, but at the cost of what? The cost of the student’s family of course.
Schools teach their student academic subjects, and up until fairly recently, they’ve been pretty good at it. They also teach students how to fit into a system and blindly follow the rules.
Schools don’t (and shouldn’t) teach students how to be functioning members of society and decent people. That’s what the family does.
But in the past decades, with the decline of the family and the ascension of government, schools have attempted (and failed) to take on the task of “educating the whole person.”
So, to revisit the question posed at the beginning, the true cost of a quality education is either your family and subsequent morals or being labeled an outsider or some sort of extremist.
To be clear, I do believe that it is possible to send your son or daughter to a school (even a public one) and they still turn out to be a successful human being. That being said, it is significantly more complicated now than in previous decades.
But it is possible. With hard work and prioritizing spending time with their children, parents can create the next great generation. Parents must make their family their sole focus, everything else secondary, including their own work and personal goals. Having the system raise your children is a recipe for disaster, and while easier said than done, taking the time to be a mother or father and putting your family first is the most incredible education possible.
Then, and only then, can the students of this generation truly be educated in the way they were intended.